Discord Nancy

Portrait, charcoal, digital art, shouting woman, 70's pattern

Portrait, charcoal, digital art, shouting woman, multiples, 70's pattern Discord Nancy 1 & 2

This portrait was drawn in charcoal from a photograph and then manipulated digitally, using scanned fabric from the 1970’s as a collage for her hair, which is so ‘busy’ that I decided to keep the rest of the colours quite simple. Fingers crossed there’ll be more of these…





Wonder, Free Space Gallery, Kentish Town Health Centre, art exhibitionFree Space Gallery

Kentish Town Health Centre, 2 Bartholomew Road, London, NW5 2BX
May 2011

Curator Melissa Hardwick

Click here for more information about the Free Space Gallery

Postcards from the Coast of Light

Postcards, Coast of Light, art exhibition, NHS Islington Trust HeadquartersNHS IslingtonTrust Headquarters, 338-346 Goswell Road, London

19th October to 30th December 2010