Coffee Pot Candle

A friend asked me to make another of these little coffee pot candle illustrations which I first produced back in 2014. It’s a fun technique: first drawing in charcoal, then painting with acrylic but the crackle glaze proved to be a bit tricky this time and took a few goes to get right. I rubbed white oil paint and beeswax on top of the glaze once I was happy with the cracks and finally a smear of glitter gel for the festive pot, coffee, candle, flame, illustration, drawing, charcoal, painting, acrylic, crackle glaze, craquellure, cracks, glitter

Mini Art Works

These are my mini art works for tonight’s (22nd December 2014) fundraising party organised by the community group Arte Vejer.

coffee pot, candle, gas bottle, bombona, bomba, bomb

They’re post card sized and will go on sale for 5 euros each along with the mini artworks of other contributing local artists.

Here they are in more detail:

coffee pot, candle, charcoal, acrylic paint, crackle glaze, bitumen staingas bottle, bomb, bombona, charcoal, acrylic paint, crackle glaze, bitumen stain

Both drawings were made with charcoal which I fixed before applying a wash of acrylic paint and a crackle glaze. The glaze was then stained with white acrylic paint and bitumen in beeswax with a smear of glitter gel over the top…very festive!