…or ‘Yellow Roses for Adrián’

This painting was commissioned as a gift for the flamenco dancer Adrián Brenes (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adri%C3%A1n-Brenes/505485442831689?fref=ts)
It’s a pen and watercolour piece with collaged elements (also pen and watercolour on paper) which overlap the mount.
When I saw Adrián dance, as well as being struck by the passion and power of his performance, I was fascinated by his footwear (he’s a very dapper chap). So I chose the boots to represent Adrián, the yellow roses signify friendship, they are set on a window sill which is draped by curtains, suggesting a stage and you can see Adrián’s home town of Conil de la Frontera in the background. The text ‘tiriti tran tran tran….’ is a flamenco refrain.