Ten flyer

I am delighted to have been invited to submit works for

this group show which celebrates

10 years of The Arts Project in London.

12th July-12th September 2013 9am-5pm

Preview 11 July 2013

Conference Centre St Pancras Hospital

Click here for the TEN facebook page

Cockerels for Kelly

Cockerel -mural-stencil-kathryn-hockey-artist-illustratorKelly1-web

Another outing for my strutting friends, in another beautiful Vejer town house…lucky chaps.

Screen printed t-shirts

3ts-webHere are my latest screen printed t-shirts, using three of my designs…all printed by hand at home…


If you’d like one for yourself just give me a t-shirt and I’ll print it for you!



Cock-ts-web EP-web



This is the screen for the cockerel design…..





…the cockerel t-shirts






the El Palmar t-shirts….






and the feather t-shirts.




This collage is made from objects found on the beach where I live along with scraps of paper, leather and ribbon.

It is on show (and for sale) at La Casa del Arco until September 10th 2013

La Casa del Arco

Casa del Arco poster Kathryn Hockey

Vejer de la Frontera

Summer Exhibition

23rd June to 10 September 2013

Click here for the facebook events page

Click here to see of photos of the opening

Click here to see the video catalogue


Rosas Amarillas para Adrián

…or ‘Yellow Roses for Adrián’



This painting was commissioned as a gift for the flamenco dancer Adrián Brenes (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adri%C3%A1n-Brenes/505485442831689?fref=ts)

It’s a pen and watercolour piece with collaged elements (also pen and watercolour on paper) which overlap the mount.

When I saw Adrián dance, as well as being struck by the passion and power of his performance, I was fascinated by his footwear (he’s a very dapper chap). So I chose the boots to represent Adrián, the yellow roses signify friendship, they are set on a window sill which is draped by curtains, suggesting a stage and you can see Adrián’s home town of Conil de la Frontera in the background. The text ‘tiriti tran tran tran….’ is a flamenco refrain.

Another bombona

For this version of the ‘design classic’ gas bottle (bombona in Spanish) I put a wash of acrylic paint over the charcoal drawing and then applied a crackle glaze and stains.
