
This was an illustration project to design a tattoo and mother´s day card around the word ‘Mum’

BandWwebTat-skin-webcard-redweb Cardweb


The feather represents the crane which was sacred to the mother goddess Demeter in Roman mythology; symbolising long life, health, happiness, wisdom and good luck.

Also available as postcard without the Mum


Mixed media collage on reclaimed wood

These collages are made with found wood, bottle caps, ribbon, string, feathers and paper scraps

012Map,-cap-and-feather Pray-for-Surf Tryptic1


The ‘Pray for Surf’ image is available as a postcard


New view of Vejer

A new pen and watercolour drawing of Vejer

New-Vejer web

which will be available as prints and postcards very soon





This piece evolved from a little pencil sketch I made of a neighbour’s cockerel during an exercise for a distance learning illustration course.

cockerel, pencil, sketch, rooster

I scaled up the sketch and used it to cut a stencil through which I applied acrylic paint to reclaimed wood. It still serves as a house sign for the home of the cockerel and his human companions.Rooster-postcard-web


This image is now available on postcards and as digital prints (A3 and A4) and I can stencil him onto almost any surface.


Yet more Discord Nancy

Having made a stencil type image of the Discord Nancy portrait I tried it out with some spray paint:

on wood

Stencil art, spray paint, wood, street art

and on walls

Stencil art, spray paint, street art

Stencil art, spray paint, street art



More Discord Nancy

Charcoal, portrait, shouting woman

Discord Nancy Charcoal

I gradually darkened this drawing with layers of charcoal, accentuating the planes and regions of the face. I developed it to make a stencil type portrait which I manipulated digitally and used as a template for a screen print (see below).

Digital portrait, shouting woman, stencil

Discord Nancy Stencil

Digital portrait, shouting woman, stencil

Discord Nancy Roses

Digital portrait, shouting woman, stencil

Discord Nancy Roses-multiples

Digital portrait, shouting woman, stencil

Discord Nancy Pink Roses

Digital portrait, stencil, screen print, shouting woman

Discord Nancy Screen Print