Strawberries from Conil

strawberries, strawberry, fruit, fresa, fresas, conil, fruta, pen and watercolour, watercolour, water color, sketch, food, illustration, ilustracion, primavera, spring

It’s strawberry season! And you can’t do better than eat the crop from Conil….yum!

It took some discipline to sketch mine in pen and watercolour before wolfing them down.

Rosas Amarillas para Adrián

…or ‘Yellow Roses for Adrián’



This painting was commissioned as a gift for the flamenco dancer Adrián Brenes (

It’s a pen and watercolour piece with collaged elements (also pen and watercolour on paper) which overlap the mount.

When I saw Adrián dance, as well as being struck by the passion and power of his performance, I was fascinated by his footwear (he’s a very dapper chap). So I chose the boots to represent Adrián, the yellow roses signify friendship, they are set on a window sill which is draped by curtains, suggesting a stage and you can see Adrián’s home town of Conil de la Frontera in the background. The text ‘tiriti tran tran tran….’ is a flamenco refrain.