Pen and Wash Demonstration for Burnham Art Club

I chose this beautiful white weatherboard house as the subject of my recent pen and wash demonstration for Burnham Art Club.

burnham art club, drawing, demonstration, weatherboard, cottage, high street, burnham-on-crouch, pen and wash, watercolour, painting, drawing, landscape, house, cottage core

My painter’s eye was drawn by the symmetry, bold outlines and interesting shapes…and also by the weatherboard bin store!

kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, drawing, painter, pen and wash, watercolour, burnham on crouch, burnham art club, building, weatherboard, house, landscape

Many thanks for the invitation to share my tips and techniques, and for such a kind and attentive reception from all the lovely art club members who came along.

burnham art club, drawing, demonstration, weatherboard, cottage, high street, burnham-on-crouch, pen and wash, watercolour, painting, drawing, landscape, house, cottage core, essex

It was my first demo so I was a bit nervous beforehand, but once I got going I really enjoyed it.

kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, drawing, painter, pen and wash, watercolour, burnham on crouch, burnham art club, building, weatherboard, house, landscape

burnham art club, drawing, demonstration, weatherboard, cottage, high street, burnham-on-crouch, pen and wash, watercolour, painting, drawing, landscape, house, cottage core

kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, drawing, painter, pen and wash, watercolour, burnham on crouch, burnham art club, building, weatherboard, house, landscapelooking up, maldon, maldon high street, about the exhibition, maeldune heritage centre, market hill, colouring in, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, watercolor, paintings, architecture, buildings, commissions, illustration, kathryn hockey

Swan Hotel Custom Print

architecture, art, art for sale, artist, buildings, buy art, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, paintings, pen, pen and wash, custom print, swan hotel, watercolour

This Swan Hotel custom print was an 80th birthday gift for an ex-landlord of the iconic Maldon establishment from his family.

I may have mentioned before that Marc Bolan, David Bowie (Jones at the time) and Joe Cocker all played gigs in the back room in the 60s!

architecture, art, art for sale, artist, buildings, buy art, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, paintings, paparazzi, pen, pen and wash, print, swan hotel, watercolourI “extracted” the Swan Hotel from part 6 (above) of my Maldon High Street series.

A3 prints of my Maldon High Street series parts 1-8 and any of the individual buildings included in those paintings are now available to order. Please drop me a line.

custom print, architecture, art, art for sale, artist, buildings, buy art, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, paintings, pen, pen and wash, custom print, watercolour

Burnham Art Club Exhibition 2023

kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, burnham art club, exhibition, art show, burnham-on-crouch, essex, art sale

Very pleased to take my place amongst the startlingly impressive and varied output of the excellent Burnham Art Club members who always show their collective work at the end of August to coincide with Burnham week. Lovely to meet visitors and fellow artists and to make some sales and purchases!

“Looking Up” – Pen and Wash Portraits of Maldon High Street

fine art print, print, gift idea, art, art for sale, buy art, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, facade, brights solicitor, pocknells, old police staion, ansells, butcher, beehive, hairdresser, maldon high street series, part 1

I was delighted to show my pen and wash portraits of beautiful Maldon High Street in the Maeldune Centre, at the top of Market Hill, Maldon, from 17th August to 2nd September 2023.

looking up, maldon, maldon high street, about the exhibition, maeldune heritage centre, market hill, colouring in, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, watercolor, paintings, architecture, buildings

Here I am on the launch night, sitting in front of the half size fine art prints I had made of the original paintings. Click here to find out more about the prints and buy them.

looking up, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, buildings, architecture, colouring in, community project, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, mayor, share memories, art for sale, visit maldon, essex

The exhibition had a tremendously generous reception from Maeldune Centre visitors and volunteers alike. By far the star of the show was the black and white print I had made for the table tops in the centre of the gallery. People had great fun colouring it in and writing on it; the comments and shared memories of Maldon High Street were really touching. As the exhibition drew to a close the Maldon Society photographed it for their archive – I was truly honoured.

looking up, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen, black and white, buildings, architecture, colouring in, community project, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, share memories, art for sale, visit maldon, essex

looking up, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, buildings, architecture, colouring in, community project, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, mayor, share memories, art for sale, visit maldon, essex

looking up, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, buildings, architecture, colouring in, community project, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, mayor, share memories, art for sale, visit maldon, essex

Maldon’s mayor, Andrew Lay, and young Blake hone their colouring skills at the launch party.

looking up, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, buildings, architecture, colouring in, community project, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, mayor, share memories, art for sale, visit maldon, essex

Maldon historian Stephen Nunn visited a couple of times and I was able to add some fascinating facts about the High Street to the interactive artwork as he dictated. Here he is with my dad, Ron, who was also very enthusiastic and generous with his High Street memories. 

historian, stephen nunn, looking up, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, buildings, architecture, colouring in, community project, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, mayor, share memories, art for sale, visit maldon, essex

Click this link to see a video of the interactive artwork and learn some fun and fascinating facts!

The Maldon Society is in the process of adding photos of the interactive piece and digital versions of the original paintings to their archive. I am truly an honour.

Here’s what Stephen said about the exhibition along with some other reviews:

reviews, looking up, maldon, maldon high street, about the exhibition, maeldune heritage centre, market hill, colouring in, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, watercolor, paintings, architecture, buildings

looking up, maldon, maldon high street, about the exhibition, maeldune heritage centre, market hill, colouring in, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, watercolor, paintings, architecture, buildings, commissions, illustration, kathryn hockey

flyer, maeldune heritage centre, art, exhibition. art show, art for sale, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, exhibition, maeldune centre, mrs salisbury, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, market hill, mrs salisburys, facade

fine art print, print, gift idea, art, art for sale, buy art, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, facade, coach lane, maldon lettings, cafe brazil, finalekathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, art for sale, all saints church, temme english, maldon book shop, oak house, blue boar, fine art prints

kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, art for sale, moot hall, fine art prints, maeldune heritage centre, exhibition, mrs salisburys, coles, timpsons, kate lifestyle

architecture, art, art for sale, artist, buildings, buy art, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, paintings, paparazzi, pen, pen and wash, print, swan hotel, watercolour

architecture, art, art for sale, artist, bluebell, buildings, butcher, buy art, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, maldon barbers, paintings, pen, pen and wash, pipes insurance, print, silo, the emporium, watercolour, wenlocks

architecture, art, art for sale, artist, buildings, buy art, crusty loaf, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, mitchells jewellery, paintings, pen, pen and wash, print, pub, rose and crown, salon central, watercolour, wetherspoons

Pen and Wash Portraits of Maldon High Street

I was born in Maldon (as was my dad), and I lived there until I was 18 so I feel a very strong bond with the place despite having lived away for 30 plus years.

 I decided to paint some of Maldon’s most beautiful buildings. 

fine art print, print, gift idea, art, art for sale, buy art, kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, facade, coach lane, maldon lettings, cafe brazil, finale

While I was taking reference photos I got the urge to paint all the façades from the old police station in West Square down to the Rose & Crown on the corner of Butt Lane. 

kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, art for sale, all saints church, temme english, maldon book shop, oak house, blue boar, fine art prints

Part of the loveliness of buildings comes from their relationship to their neighbours; that’s something we could also say about ourselves.

kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, art for sale, moot hall, fine art prints

That stretch of High Street was too long to fit onto one piece of paper so I divided it into eight sections and started making rough sketches. Then I challenged myself to finish all the paintings in a year and exhibit them at the Maeldune Heritage Centre, which is one of the buildings included in the series.

kathryn hockey, artist, illustrator, art, exhibition, maeldune centre, maldon, high street, pen and wash, pen, watercolour, drawing, paintings, illustration, buildings, architecture, essex, art for sale, moot hall, fine art prints, maeldune heritage centre, exhibition, mrs salisburys, coles, timpsons, kate lifestyleThe exhibition is called “Looking Up” because it occured to me, while I was taking the reference photos, how rarely I take the time to stop, stand still for a while, look up and really appreciate my surroundings. Perhaps you’re the same?

architecture, art, art for sale, artist, buildings, buy art, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, paintings, paparazzi, pen, pen and wash, print, swan hotel, watercolour

And since I’ve painted these buildings I’ve notice that they’ve become more vibrant to me. I mean that when I walk or drive past them now, they seem brighter and more alive. It’s as if by getting to know all the little details of their faces I’ve made friends with them!

architecture, art, art for sale, artist, bluebell, buildings, butcher, buy art, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, maldon barbers, paintings, pen, pen and wash, pipes insurance, print, silo, the emporium, watercolour, wenlocks

The exhibition runs from 17th August to the 5th September 2023, do drop by if you can! There’s an low tech interactive element – please do some colouring in and share your High Street memories on the large black and white print in the centre of the gallery.

architecture, art, art for sale, artist, buildings, buy art, crusty loaf, drawing, essex, facade, fine art print, gift idea, high street, illustration, illustrator, kathryn hockey, maldon, mitchells jewellery, paintings, pen, pen and wash, print, pub, rose and crown, salon central, watercolour, wetherspoons

Fine Art Prints

I’ve had some beautiful fine art prints made which capture the essence of the original paintings at half their size. Click here to buy prints.

The ink is lightfast, so it won’t deteriorate over time and the museum quality paper is Hahnemuhle William Turner 310gsm, which has a texture and weight similar to the watercolour paper on which I painted the originals.


Read about my summer exhibition at the Maeldune Heritage Centre here.

Orchid Drawing

orchid, white orchid, flower, pot plant, drawing, watercolour, watercolor, painting, sketchbook, illustration, artist, illustrator, kathryn hockey

I made this drawing of a beautiful white orchid in my sketchbook with water resistant pen then coloured it with watercolour paints. I was thinking of colouring the background but after a quick poll on Instagram I decided to leave it white for a more graphic and relaxing effect.

Artwork in India (3) – Pushkar

Pushkar has been wonderful; a strange and delightful mix of the spiritual and the decadent with a bit of filth and hassle thrown in for good measure.

pushkar, India, camel, temple, travel blog

Don’t touch the flowers that are offered down by the ghats (sacred lakeside bathing areas)- you’ll get dragged into a lakeside blessing ceremony  and charged well for the honour.

fruit, vegetables, greengrocer, market, stall, pushkar, rajasthan, india, pen and wash, drawing, sketch, sketching, painting, watercolour, watercolor, travel, illustration, street painting, travel blog

I sat in the doorway with some kind young musicians while I sketched this little market stall. They insisted that I showed the greengrocer the painting afterwards. He loved it.

saris, devotees, bathing, ghat, lake, pushkar lake, pushkar, rajasthan, india, pen and wash, drawing, sketch, sketching, painting, watercolour, watercolor, travel, illustration, street painting, travel blog

Unknowingly I arrived in Pushkar during the most sacred week of the Hindu calendar, which coincided with the famous camel fair.

The streets were full of pilgrims from all over India and beyond. I met an Argentinian Hindu who was staying at the same hotel and he explained a bit about the bathing rituals and took me to a couple of temples.

Photography is strictly prohibited at the lakeside so I thought I’d sketch the scene instead.

artist, selfie, India, Pushkar, sketching, sketcher, rajasthan, saris, devotees, bathing, ghat, lake, pushkar lake, pushkar, rajasthan, india, pen and wash, drawing, sketch, sketching, painting, watercolour, watercolor, travel, illustration, street painting, travel blog

The photography ban didn’t stop me being asked to pose for a couple of pictures!

camel, pushkar, camel fair, camel decoration, pen and wash, watercolour, drawing, sketchbook, watercolor

In Udaipur I met a lovely young camel expert from New Zealand who spoke so passionately about the camel fair that I decided to visit. When I arrived in Pushkar I met up with her again and spent a very interesting hour or so meeting the camels. They’re surprisingly sweet and dignified.

Inspired, I drew the camel above, the circle is a design based on the ornaments the camels are dressed with.

camel, mural, pushkar, camel fair, wall painting, painting, decoration, decorative painting, acrylic paint, illustration, travel, india

I then painted this version on the hotel wall before I left.

pushkar, moustache competition, moustache, beard, facial hair, rajasthani

The annual moustache competition was a hilarious highlight of the camel fair – Rajasthanis are certainly blessed in the hair department!  

Arte Vejer on the Move

vejer, vejer de la frontera, arte, art, community, organisation,

Arte Vejer has certainly had a busy few weeks. The community group which promotes visual arts and creativity in the Vejer de la Frontera region has really been going for it as you’ll see and read below!


exhibition, poster, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts


What is a mobile art exhibition? You might well ask…I had no idea before taking part on Sunday 13th December.

It turned out to be as dynamic, colourful and festive a procession through the streets of Vejer as the poster promised.



castle, vejer, sol muniain, face painting, exhibition, poster, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts



Sol Muniain (right), a truly gifted artist and the inventor and driving force behind the Arte Vejer mobile art exhibition unlocks the door to the castle for a session of painting faces Picasso style prior to the procession.



face painting, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts



Sol paints the face of Ismael Virués, another dedicated Arte Vejer organiser and the banner bearing leader of the art parade.



exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade



Having picked up the art works we were joined by a band of marching drummers and set off around town.

I was wearing a couple of my artworks as well as carrying one (right, centre); my cockerel skirt and my 2CV silk scarf


exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade


The drive and energy exuded by the marching drummers was amazing, especially when the parade passed through the narrowest alleyways and the rhythm really bounced off the walls.


exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade




It was also quite surreal to look back and see a view of Vejer within a view of Vejer.




plaza de espana, exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade



We made several stops en route, here we are in the Plaza de España for a photo opportunity…..


arco de segur, exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade, flamenco dancers

arco de segur, exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade, flamenco dancers




…and enjoying being part of the back drop near the Arco de Segur within the old town walls for this, the first of several short flamenco dance ‘tablaos’ …

corredera, exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade, flamenco dancers






…more flamenco dancing on La Corredera….




plaza san francisco, exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade



….dancing to an African style drum troupe in La Plaza de San Francisco…


cow skull. limited edition print, exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, parade



…and returning to La Plazuela with tired and happy arms (and no, despite the crazed expression, I did not get arrested)….



exhibition, hotel convento san francisco, mobile exhibition, vejer, arte vejer, art, community art group, art promotion, visual arts, drummers, parade



…before replacing the artworks on the walls of the Hotel Convento San Francisco where they will rest, for sale, until January 10th 2016.


I was delighted to have my artwork accepted for the mobile exhibition and feel priviledged to have taken part in such an extraordinary event. Many thanks again to Arte Vejer for the huge amount of work and good will which went into coordinating all the art forms so beautifully and happily.

Click here to see yet more photos of the event on facebook, thanks to Jackie Cornwall.

And there’s even more:

painting, art, competition, young, artist, vejer, arte vejer, vejer de la frontera, concurso, pintura


On the 29th November Arte Vejer staged the first ever painting competition for young artists in Vejer.

I was honoured to be invited to join the judging panel and was really impressed by the high standard of the artworks produced.



plaza de espana, painting, art, competition, young, artist, vejer, arte vejer, vejer de la frontera, concurso, pintura



About 30 participants signed up to the competition in Vejer’s beautiful Plaza de España and then dispersed to various parts of the charming old town to work on their paintings and drawings for several hours.



Click here to see photos of the event and the impressive range of artworks; the overall winner has her painting included in the (previously mobile) Arte Vejer exhibition in the Hotel Convento San Francisco and the other prize winning works are currently displayed in La Bodeguita, a local bar.

vejer, vejer de la frontera, arte, art, community, organisation, castle, exhibition


The 6th December was pueblo abierto (open village) day for Vejer, which coincided with the ruta de tapas. Arte Vejer celebrated its recent allocation of a room in the castle by the town council by mounting an exhibition of members’ work there and including the non-prize winning works from the young artist painting competition.




water colour, sketch, pen and watercolour, vejer sketcher, castle, patio, andaluciaI made this pen and watercolour sketch (right) of the castle patio while sitting on the doorstep of Arte Vejer’s room and then went up to the ramparts to make an abstract watercolour sketch (below) inspired by the lichen which adorns many roofs and walls in the old town.

water colour, sketch, lichen, abstract

As well as an exhibition space the castle room will be used as a venue for creative workshops. I’m planning to host one early in 2016 for adult sketchers who are a bit rusty and lack the confidence to come and draw with the Vejer Sketchers group.

If that’s you, please get in touch!

vejer, vejer de la frontera, arte, art, community, organisation, castle, exhibition

vejer, vejer de la frontera, arte, art, community, organisation, castle, exhibition